Ben Nye Wheel | Master Disaster

Ben Nye Wheel | Master Disaster

  • - Model: MDW
Sale: $31.41CAD
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The Master Disaster Wheel consists of 6 of our most essential injury simulation shades, consisting of Dark Crimson, Fresh Cut, Black & Blue, Blood Red, Blue, and the invaluable mixing and adjusting shade, White. This assortment of blue, red, and white tones lend themselves wonderfully to creating bruises, scrapes, cuts, and skin abrasions.

Creme makeups will discolor when used over liquid latex or latex based prosthetic appliances. 1 To prevent discoloration create a barrier over the latex using Castor Sealer by stippling on a thin layer of sealer making sure to cover all the latex, allow a few minutes to dry and apply a second coat if necessary. This step is only necessary when using over latex and is not required for use over skin.

All creme colours must be set with powder. For added durability, after setting makeup with powder add Final Seal for a long lasting makeup.

Although you can remove creme colours with soap and water we recommend using an oil based Makeup Remover such as Ben Nyes Quick Cleanse, this will reduce the skin irritation caused by heavy scrubbing.

Expect 50-240 applications per 1 oz.

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 17 November, 2014.

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